Happy Earth Day! Here’s how you can celebrate!

What is your carbon footprint? app
by Jodi Stout

Check out this app that shows you exactly how many trees you saved today by recycling, reusing and turning off the lights!

The My Earth app lets you choose from a list of earth-saving activities; from simple things like reusing plastic grocery bags, keeping your tires inflated and doing laundry in cold water to owning a hybrid vehicle and using high efficiency toilets.

global warming threatens polar bears recycle!You simply browse the activities listed in each of 5 categories:
– electricity
– recycling
– travel
– food
– misc usage

Similar to a food tracking diary, you enter how often you participate in one of these climate-altering activities. You get helpful tips along the way on each topic along with a cute visual cue that shows an adorable polar bear perched on a tiny fragment of iceberg which grows with each carbon unit you save. COOL!

You can easily manage the activities to calculate what you did today or this week to see how much each action contributes to your carbon footprint. If nothing more, you will see that every little bit helps and a few small efforts can turn into big impact.

Thanks for helping save the earth! It’s the only one we have.


Here’s a link to the My Earth App on iTunes:


The app was created by Wisconsin Ecology, a group of ecologists at UW-Madison to help people connect their activities to a real-world impact. Learn more about these amazing ecological activist that are working to make a difference in this generation that will affect the next. You can learn more about it here:


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