Mobilegeddon – Are you ready?
“Mobilegeddon” or “Mobilepocalypse,” is quickly coming upon us!
April 21st is D-day for when Google intends it’s nuclear attack on un-Mobile-friendly sites. They’ve announced this is the biggest algorithm change in their history!
Who will it impact?
It’s anticipated that more than 40% of websites currently holding top mobile search positions will lose their rankings. This mobile apocalypse won’t affect a websites current positions on desktop search. However, Google has said that mobile search will be impacted where users will no longer find sites that are not considered mobile friendly.
Are you ready?
Check Google’s webmaster tools to see if your site passes the mobile friendly test. Keep in mind that results could be delayed, so if you’ve recently adjusted your site to accommodate the new requirements, then don’t be alarmed if it’s still not recognized yet.
What are the new expectations?
(In Google’s own words:)
In order to be mobile-friendly, your site must be configured in one of the following ways:
- Responsive web design: Google’s recommended option, a responsive site uses the same HTML and URL across devices and renders the appropriate display for the user’s device through CSS.
- Dynamic serving: This configuration entails using the same URL but a different version of HTML to serve different device types.
- Separate URLs: This method serves different code to different devices using separate URLs, by employing HTTP redirects.
So what does that mean to you in simplified terms?
1.) Test your site. It’s simple to run at Google webmaster tools or I will be happy to do it for you.
2.) Identify the technical issues. This test provides specific insights on exactly what may be hindering your search engine positions
3.) Use font style and size that is readable without zooming or auto re-sizes
4.) Avoid any software not supported on mobile devices like Flash
5.) If using a CMS, be sure to update the platform or theme to ensure it’s the latest version and that it’s responsive